Monday, March 2, 2009
With this, I am Welcoming March :) xoxo Things to look forward to: 1) Mid Term Exams (who actually i hate) 2) Java Jazz 3) HOLIDAYS :D :D I cried today at school.. twice. Now that, is SCARY O.O It's out of the ordinary, I must say. March has started out pretty baaaad if you ask me, but then again, things might change with a twist :) (optimism) I hate hate exams, works, presentations urgh -__-, thatare of the things that I don't have the aptitude of being good at, no, not even when I actually REALLY study for it. I just DON'T have the flair in doing so. Oh, and, I really need a new charger. I. Need. A. New. Charger! QUICK! BLOODY PHONE -__- Of to do more homework, 'till then, Later. vyra 2:13 AM
Hello Im Vyrawr! I'm one of those pessimistic optimists or maybe vice versa. Zaniness and melancholy have dominated my life in many ways. I can say that I'm pretty content but on certain occasions a dark cloud will form above my head. I sleep late,I eat in bed and I like colourful objects.Arts have always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I'm open minded,spontaneous and I procrastinate. I go ballistic when I see anything old-fashion or just passing by a camera store. bold italics underline Goals Exits link Talk Tagboard here. Archives February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 Credits Designer Blogskins |